Best West Hotel starstarstarstarstar

142 - 146 Harley Street, London, London, City of, W1G 7LD, United Kingdom

Toque para llamar 34324324324
Valoración media: 0.0
Votos totales:0
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solicitud de reserva

Descripción de la propiedad

Está propiedad ofrece un descuento de último minuto de 5 por ciento o más si su fecha de llegada es antes de 11/05/2025. ¡Reserve ahora para disfrutar de la mejor oferta!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere, nisl at porttitor dignissim, risus tortor aliquam augue, ut consectetur dui quam vitae purus. Vestibulum id tellus ligula, vel elementum est. Ut in ligula est, id lobortis justo. Mauris pretium posuere blandit. Sed suscipit orci sed ipsum interdum accumsan.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere, nisl at porttitor dignissim, risus tortor aliquam augue, ut consectetur dui quam vitae purus. Vestibulum id tellus ligula, vel elementum est. Ut in ligula est, id lobortis justo. Mauris pretium posuere blandit. Sed suscipit orci sed ipsum interdum accumsan.

Hb tipo

Room Double beds
Room Single

Food & Drink




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Actividades del área

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere, nisl at porttitor dignissim, risus tortor aliquam augue, ut consectetur dui quam vitae purus.

horario de entrada

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere, nisl at porttitor dignissim, risus tortor aliquam augue, ut consectetur dui quam vitae purus.

Otros transportes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere, nisl at porttitor dignissim, risus tortor aliquam augue, ut consectetur dui quam vitae purus.

Políticas y reclamaciones

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere, nisl at porttitor dignissim, risus tortor aliquam augue, ut consectetur dui quam vitae purus. Vestibulum id tellus ligula, vel elementum est. Ut in ligula est, id lobortis justo. Mauris pretium posuere blandit. Sed suscipit orci sed ipsum interdum accumsan.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin posuere, nisl at porttitor dignissim, risus tortor aliquam augue, ut consectetur dui quam vitae purus. Vestibulum id tellus ligula, vel elementum est. Ut in ligula est, id lobortis justo. Mauris pretium posuere blandit. Sed suscipit orci sed ipsum interdum accumsan.

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Your destination (route end point) is already marked on the map. Please enter your location and choose your route options to get directions to the destination point. You can also click on the map to choose up to 9 waypoints from your starting point to the destination point.

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He aquí una lista de algunas de las grandes cosas que usted puede comprar al hacer una reserva en esta propiedad.

Parking spot

1.20€ (20%) ( Por día )


Todavía no hay comentarios para esta propiedad.

Necesita estar registrado para enviar un comentario.
Square meters760

Your data

Some features of this website need to store information about your visit. This is used only to provide service to you, is never shared with anyone else and is deleted when no longer needed.

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You must consent to us storing this data for you to be able to make bookings on this site. Regardless of whether or not you consent to your data being stored, we will store a cookie on your computer to tell us whether or not you have opted in. This helps us to ensure that we do not constantly ask you whether or not you want to opt in or out and it does not contain any Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you change your mind you can visit the "App permissions" page at any time to opt in or out.

The information is stored for different time periods depending on the nature of your visit. So, if you are just looking around we will store approximate geographical location (country level) information. If you perform searches, then to make search forms more user friendly we will store the last things you searched on. This information is typically stored for a maximum of 24 hours and is only used to make your visit more pleasant.

When you make a booking with us, by necessity more information is stored.

  1. The technicalites of the booking form are captured and retained for a maximum of 60 days. This is required so that On Request bookings can be turned into full bookings once a booking is approved, and for analysis by our teams in case there is an issue with a booking. If you were not logged in when you made a booking then we will email you a username and password so that you can view your booking history and exercise your Right To Be Forgotten (RTBF) if you wish to do that.
  2. Data entered into the booking form, for example name, email address, real address is stored for a maximum of 365 days after the booking's departure date. This information is stored in encrypted form in our database so that only authorised people can view it. If you make a booking then by law we must store your PII whilst the booking is valid. Once the booking has completed, either because it has been cancelled or you have been checked out, then you will be able to exercise your RTBF by logging in and visiting the "Your data" page. Invoice information for completed bookings will still be securely stored in our database to ensure that we abide by relevant tax laws but you will be able to remove all other PII after the booking is completed.
  3. When you consent to your information being stored as described above, we are legally obliged to store this consent in our database. This information will include your IP number and the content of the opt-in form. We will retain this consent notification indefinately (this is a legal requirement).
Agent vcard
Disponible para reservas
Algunas reservas
Ocupación media
Ocupación alta
Ocupado/no disponible
Marzo 2025
Agosto 2025
Septiembre 2025
Noviembre 2025
Mayo 2026
Agosto 2026
Septiembre 2026
Noviembre 2026
Enero 2027
Febrero 2027
Room Double beds - 01

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 02

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 03

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 04

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 05

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 06

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 07

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 08

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 09

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Double beds - 10

Max. de personas: 2
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 11

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 12

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 13

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 14

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 15

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 16

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 17

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 18

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 19

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Room Single - 20

Max. de personas: 1
Piso: N/A
Nombre de tarifa Tipo de habitación Personas mínimas Personas maximas Válido de Válido a   Días mínimos Días máximos
London Bus Tour star at approximate 0.49 km
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Star Apartment star at approximate 1.33 km
Jaguar S Type star at approximate 1.35 km
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